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Help us get to know you as a property homeowner!
Indicates required field
Do you own a home?
Planning to
If other please specify:
Is keeping your investment property well maintained important to you?
Yes, but I don't have time
Yes, I struggle to trust someone else with this responsibility
Yes, that is why I choose the right tenants
Yes, because I am looking to sell in the near future
Why do you own property?
To sell when there is a good market
To pass on to my children
To live there in the future
To renovate and rebuild to suit my preferences
Why do you rent your property?
I don't currently
I am overseas currently
To help pay off the mortgage and extra bills
To keep it occupied, until I decide to live there
Do you know your market rent value for your property
No, but I would like to know
No, I am not considering renting
Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions to help us understand what is important to you as a homeowner
If you would like to hear from us today, please enter your details if so
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Rental Properties
Pre-Tenancy Application Form online
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